Friday, September 26, 2014

How to ask questions

Hi friends,
Welcome to the Wallace Youth Blog.  This blog is a space for you to ask anonymous questions that you may have pertaining to God, faith, or whatever.  Just respond to this post by clicking on the comments button below (this post) with your questions, then I'll post them as individual blogs with a response that you can comment on.  Any further discussion can be seen in the "comments" section of each post.  The questions that have been asked already are below.  Check 'em out.  Please note that some questions have been responded to and others have not. Please be patient, each question will be given the attention that it deserves. Also, feel free to e-mail me directly with questions if you so desire. Please feel free to send your friends here as an outlet to reason or to ask questions as well. The only bad question, is the one that isn't asked.   Thanks!  Frank Wang,


  1. Why doesn't Wallace have female pastors/deacons/elders?

  2. What does the bible have to say about Illegal drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco/smoking? How could you explain to a non-Christian friend reasoning behind it?

  3. Is swearing bad? Don't swear words evolve over time and gradually become less "bad"? (The H word was censored a lot on TV 10 years ago and now it hardly is)

  4. How can we prove the existence of God beyond what the bible tells us?

  5. What exactly does the bible say about reason for God allowing evil to enter into the universe. This makes God sound more cruel and hateful then loving like the bible teachs.

  6. Although the existence of a event such as the big bang is almost undeniably true, how does and individual prove the existence of a intelligent and personal creator outside the universe we exist in that produced that event with the intention of creating human kind?

  7. What's the best argument AGAINST Christianity?

  8. As Christians we're supposed to share the gospel with those around us. But how do you even bring up that type of conversation with somebody?

  9. During this upcoming Christmas season, how are Christians supposed to react to the lack of decorations on the Starbucks seasonal red cups?
