Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hi friends,
Welcome to the Breakthrough and Blast Blog.  This blog is a space for you to ask anonymous questions that you may have pertaining to God, faith, or whatever.  Just respond to this post by clicking on the comments button below (this post) with your questions, then I'll post them as individual blogs with a response that you can comment on.  Any further discussion can be seen in the "comments" section of each post.  The questions that have been asked already are below.  Check 'em out.  Please note that some questions have been responded to and others have not. Please be patient, each question will be given the attention that it deserves. Also, feel free to e-mail me directly with questions if you so desire. Please feel free to send your friends here as an outlet to reason or to ask questions as well. The only bad question, is the one that isn't asked.   Thanks!  Frank Wang, frank@mcleanpres.org


  1. You have to sign in to post a question, so I had to create an anonymous account. Cheers!

  2. During Mr. Young's, talks, he spoke about denying science and stuff. I talked to a friend who goes to a more liberal church (PCUSA or Episcopal, I think) and he told me about how evolution isn't incompatible with the Bible. It involves interpreting Genesis metaphorically, and god-guided evolution, and that sin was the nature of man. I actually felt like it made a lot more sense in my opinion. Jesus had still died for our sins. I understand that as Christians we will have unpopular beliefs, but I don't see any reason that we should deny science. What do you think about all of this?

  3. In school we talked about euthanasia and whether or not it was moral to kill people in either extreme pain, a vegetative state, or those who have a debilitating disease that will ultimately kill them or rob them of their functions. I have heard stories of people "waking up" after years, even decades, of being in a coma or living in a vegetated condition. Abortion came into the discussion as well, and I couldn't help but wonder where God was in all of this.

  4. In the Bible I read that the unforgivable sin is to claim one is God. But, I was led to believe that if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, all of our sins would be forgiven. Surely if someone turned to Christ and accepted their past deeds as erroneous, than the Lord would see the new creation and not the old sin?

  5. So what exactly is going on in Mark 11:12-14?

  6. How do you know if God is calling you towards something? Are there any signs that you can be looking for? How do you know that you're not just trying to convince yourself?

  7. Can you please explain the difference between free will and predestination? At school and home nobody will get into it because they think it won't go anywhere. Can you help us?

  8. In the Bible, it says to submit to your authorities no matter what unless they are going against God. But if your authorities are doing things that harm the people that do not explicitly go against God's commands is it ok remove them from power? When is it ok to revolt?

  9. What does the Presbyterian church teach as the cause of homosexuality in the individual, and is there any secular evidence in support of their position?

  10. I have two good friends who are unbelievers. One has heard the gospel but does not want to complicate her life with a "religion", yet she often tells me she feels empty and discontent. How do I help her see that the Lord fills this void with the Holy Spirit? She is on the right track, but easily distracted. The second, however, has lived an entirely different life. With divorced parents and a sister who is not the most moral example, she has completely succumbed to a lifestyle of boyfriends, flirting, cursing, and thinking about and watching sex. She is kind but walks in the ways of the world so deeply the only sign of my Christianity is my making different choices than her. I never know how to tell her the gospel and yet I know the Lord calls us to witness. I am just so afraid for her, for I know she will be hurt by the choices she makes in the future. What should I do for my friends?

  11. How do I know I am saved if I don't feel it? I try so hard but never "feel God's love"... What does that even mean?

  12. Why do we worship with modern music and instruments when some Christians say the Bible only commands singing the psalms/hymns/spiritual songs explicitly in the Bible?

  13. Is it never not a sin to lie.

  14. What is the difference between testing God and trusting God?
